Teph's Tubes

bar image

Please be patient as this page loads. Some of these tubes are scanned images (jewelry supply catalogs, wrapping paper, etc.) and others are completely created by hand.

DO NOT upload these tubes to websites or include them in collections.


You may share them on mailing lists ONLY in the original zip file with full credit and a link to my site.

And yes, I'm fond of pearl tubes but if you aren't you can go to the next page.

Some of the pearl tubes contain pearls from a tube available at Gab's Graphics.

Pale Olive Pearls Pale Olive Pearls - For strands set the placement to continuous and the selection to incremental with a step of 27.
Olive Pearls Olive Pearls - For strands set the placement to continuous and the selection to incremental with a step of 27.
Two Tone Olive Pearls Two Tone Olive Pearls - For strands set the placement to continuous and the selection to incremental with a step of 27.
Pale Yellow Pearls Pale Yellow Pearls - For strands set the placement to continuous and the selection to incremental with a step of 26.
Pale Yellow with 2 Tone Olive Pearls Pale Yellow with Two Tone Olive Pearls - For strands set the placement to continuous and the selection to incremental with a step of 27.
Cream Pearls Cream Pearls - For strands set the placement to continuous and the selection to incremental with a step of 26.
Brown & Beige Pearls Brown & Beige Pearls - For strands set the placement to continuous and the selection to incremental with a step of 27.
Bronze & Cream Pearls Bronze & Cream Pearls - For strands set the placement to continuous and the selection to incremental with a step of 27.
Bronze, Copper, & Cream Pearls Bronze, Copper, & Cream Pearls - For strands set the placement to continuous and the selection to incremental with a step of 27.
Teph's Burnt Orange Metal Pearls Teph's Burnt Orange Metal Pearls - For strands set the placement to continuous and the selection to incremental with a step of 27.
Silver Pearls Silver Pearls - For strands set the placement to continuous and the selection to incremental with a step of 27.
Grey Pearls Grey Pearls - For strands set the placement to continuous and the selection to incremental with a step of 27.
Silver & Grey Pearls Silver & Grey Pearls - For strands set the placement to continuous and the selection to incremental with a step of 27.
Blue Black Pearls Blue Black Pearls - For strands set the placement to continuous and the selection to incremental with a step of 27.
Blue-Black &Green-Black Pearls Blue-Black & Green-Black Pearls - For strands set the placement to continuous and the selection to incremental with a step of 27.
Pink Pearls Pink Pearls - For strands set the placement to continuous and the selection to incremental with a step of 27.
Pink, Black, Silver, & Grey Pearls Pink, Black, Silver, and Grey Pearls - For strands set the placement to continuous and the selection to incremental with a step of 27.
Burgundy Pearls Burgundy Pearls - For strands set the placement to continuous and the selection to incremental with a step of 27.
Pink & Burgundy Pearls Pink & Burgundy Pearls - For strands set the placement to continuous and the selection to incremental with a step of 27.
Teph's Pink, Blue, & Purple Pearls Teph's Pink, Blue, & Purple Pearls - For strands set the placement to continuous and the selection to incremental with a step of 27.
Teph's Pastel Pearls Teph's Pastel Pearls - Created with KPT5. For strands set the placement to continuous and the selection to incremental with a step of 27.
Pearl Spiders Pearl Spiders - The white spider is 100%, the others are 25% to display the other 7 colors. This tube was made by scanning a spider I made with faux pearls and wire and then colorizing it. The images in this tube are ©2000 and are free for personal use only.


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©2000-2001 Lynn A. Davis